Single Sing On (SSO) Setup

Easy Invoice can use your organisation's Identity Provider such as Microsoft 365, Okta or Google. In an implementation with Microsoft 365, it is even possible to synchronise users. This retrieves user from Azure and creates them in Easy Invoice. 

It is also possible to automate user import in the latest version of Easy Invoice. IT administrators can create a group within the organization's domain (Active Directory) specifically for Easy Invoice users. These users are automatically synchronized with Easy Invoice. If someone leaves service, the user is automatically removed from Easy Invoice.

Benefits of Single Sign-On & User Import

  • Logging into multiple applications with a single password saves time
  • No need to remember an extra password
  • Better security of the IT domain
  • No manual creation of users
  • IT managers can automatically issue and revoke authorizations

Setup in Easy Invoice

Have you just requested a Single Sign On (SSO) setup through Microsoft? Then there are still a few steps that precede it to ensure that the consultant can set it up for you.

For this, some things need to be set up in Azure by your IT, and certain data needs to be shared with us to establish the link with the Microsoft login.

In the attachment, you can find a manual that your IT can use. It describes what needs to be done and what information we would like to receive.