Easyflow (Procuration Scheme)

In Easy Invoice it is possible to set up an Easy Flow, the set-up of which may have been part of the implementation. If this is not yet being used, it can still be realized in consultation.

Suppose you have a user who always has to view/approve invoices from the creditor '4CEE' with amounts above 500. In that case, you can specify this in Easyflow.

Within 'Manage', 'Manage Easy Flow' is clicked.

For example, you can set the different values based on:

  • Administration
  • Creditor
  • General ledger account
  • Cost centres
  • Amounts from
  • Amounts up to
  • Recipients

First time use

When using EasyFlow for the first time, it is important to manually add it to the workflow the first time. This activates the automatic action. 

This can be done at 'Actions' > 'Circulate' > 'Templates' within an invoice of the administrations where this applies. 

Under 'Templates' the right administration is selected for the flow.

Have you recently had a new administration added by us? Then the above also applies to you! This is because Easyflow looks per administration at the rules that may be applied. If the administration is just new, it still needs to be 'activated' for the new Easyflow rules.

Replace user in Easyflow

It is also possible to replace a user set in workflow with another user. 

1) Go to 'Manage' > 'Manage Easyflow'.

2) In the drop-down menu next to 'search in', you can select 'Recipients' and in this select which user is currently in the flow.

The Easy Flow.

3) On the right, next to 'replace with' select the new user who will become the new recipient. 

4) All lines in the EasyFlow with the 'old' user will be replaced with the 'new' user.