Add new user in Easy Invoice

In this article, you can find out how to create a user within Easy Invoice. If you add a user here, it will only be a user within Easy Invoice.* 

Please note! Do you normally log in via Microsoft? Then this guide does 
not apply to you. Navigate to the next step for a description.
  1. Go to 'Administration' within Easy Invoice..
  2. On the 'Users' tab, it is possible to add a new user.
    Note! If you cannot find the button for adding a new user, it is possible that your license has reached the maximum number of users.* *
  3. Fill in all the details of the new user.

In the topright corner, 'Admin' is clicked. After that, 'Add' on the topleft is clicked. 'active user' is selected in this window. After this, the button 'Save' is clicked.

a. Are you using a Windows account to log in? If so, you can find the username on your own laptop or PC. Copy this and then paste it into 'Username'. You do not need to set a password in this case.

b. If you use login with a username and password, add them to 'Username' and 'Password'.

Don't forget to set the user to 'Active User'. Finally, press 'Save', and your new user can now log into Easy Invoice.

To set up permissions and groups, please refer to the following article.

Add User - SSO

If you normally log in via Microsoft to access Easy Invoice, the process of creating a user is slightly different.

To add a new user, your IT needs to add the user with his/her email address to an Azure group linked to Easy Invoice. Once this is done, a service task in Easy Invoice ensures that this new user is retrieved from Azure. This can take several minutes or hours.

Once the new user has been added to the list of users in Easy Invoice, it is possible to assign the appropriate rights. To set up permissions and groups, please refer to the following article.

* A separate user must be created for FlexiCapture, ImageCapture, Expense and/or Easy Purchase.

* * You can check this by navigating to the bottom of your web page. This will then show in red that your user limit has been reached. 

Would you like to add more users? Request a new user license from your account manager or from our support.