
Gemini is the name of our support portal where you can create reports. The support department will then handle them. 

Should you require some more clarity on how to use our support portal, you can find information on the portal below. 

This can be found via the following link:

On the overview screen (dashboard), you can see which calls you and/or your colleagues have submitted.

If you want to create a new notification, you can press the following button: 

A green button with the word 'Add' on it.

Gemini is the name of our support portal where you can create reports. The support department will then handle them. A screen will then appear in which you can indicate any issues/problems you have.

The main fields are:

Type (does it concern a question, malfunction or change)
Description (see tips above to read what you can best fill in here)
Priority of your question and/or problem
Phone number

After you create the ticket, you will see it appear in the overview.

Closed tickets

It may occur that an issue and/or problem has been completed in the past, but you still want to consult it. You can do this by clicking on 'Options' and then selecting the 'Closed items' box.

Now you have an overview of your closed tickets.

The button 'Options' is expanded. Beneath is a dropdown, where 'Closed Items' is selected.

If you want an overview by default where you can see who a ticket has been assigned to, you can apply a filter to this as well.

The 'Resource' box shows the person to whom the notification has been assigned. If your name is there, someone from our team has assigned the ticket to you for the desired feedback.

If the status is 'In progress', we are working on your issue and will reply to your report in a message under 'comments'. This could be the solution or a follow-up question to your report. 

If the status is 'Open' or 'New', it still needs to be dealt with.