Priority Tickets Gemini

When you create a ticket via our support portal, please indicate the priority of your request or issue*. This way, we can get a quick overview of all reported tickets and identify which ones are urgent **.

Below is a description of ticket priorities and the corresponding estimated response times:

Showstopper4-6 working hours
Emergency. The production system is down or an essential part of it is not functioning, with no availability of a temporary alternative.
High2 working days
In case of a problem with the standard software or a part of it that is less crucial and/or cannot be used properly for its intended purpose. Also applicable in case of recurring errors in a key service without an available temporary alternative. 
Medium3-4 working daysWhen errors result in limited functionality within the general operation of the software.
working days
Covers issues with a non-significant effect on the functionality of the product, such as questions, comments, change requests or suggestions to improve the product.

* Should you create a ticket with a non-applicable priority, we reserve the right to adjust it for you.

** Should you submit a ticket to us, please mention why you chose this priority? This will help us with our view of your situation and avoid misunderstandings if possible.