Credit Cards

The Credit Cards option makes it possible to link and match credit card transactions to user claims. As a user, you create a claim paid by credit card, and it can then be matched with a transaction.

The financial user can import a set of transactions into Easy Expense. These transactions are then put into a period in Easy Expense and can be viewed by the finance staff.

In this article, you can read about this functionality and what you can do to make use of it.

Note: Credit Cards is only available on demand. 
If your company does not yet use Credit Cards at all, please inquire 
your account manager. 

Finance Employee

As a Finance Employee, you have the following screens and options

Inside 'Finance Employee', 'Creditcards' is selected. In this menu, 'Creditcards', 'Creditcard Transactions' and 'Credit Card Transaction-imports' are available.

  • Credit Cards
    • Credit cards of users with status
  • Credit Card Transactions
    • Imported credit card transactions and their status  
  • Credit Card Transaction Imports
    • Location for importing credit card transactions


As an Employee, you have the following screens and options:

Within 'Employee', 'Creditcard' is selected.

  • Credit Card Periods
    • Overview of all own credit card expenses per period

Credit Card Transactions Matching

When creating a claim, the user can indicate that it was paid by credit card. This way, the credit card is linked to the claim and can be matched with a transaction.

The credit card must be added manually by a Finance Employee in the 'Credit Cards' option and must be linked to a user.

Within 'Creditcard', at the topleft of the screen, the button 'Add credit card' is selected.

The Finance Employee also needs to import the transactions from the bank into Expense. 

More on this can be found in article:

Credit Card Transactie Import

In the 'Credit Card Transactions' overview, a 'Finance Employee' has the option to see which transactions within a given period have already been matched and to which user they are linked. Once all transactions have been matched, the user can press the 'Release' button, which completes the entire period.


As an 'Employee', you can therefore match credit card spending with a transaction from the bank. You can do this by navigating to the 'Credit Card' option (within the Employee role).

  1. Select the correct period. This is the year + an incremental number. This contains a number of transactions created by you during this time. These should therefore all be matched.
  2. If the declaration fully matches the transaction, it will be matched automatically. If it does not, you can also match it manually by clicking on the three dots to the far right of the relevant transaction line.Within the creditcard window, a credit card is selected. At the right side of the screen, the three periods are clicked. A menu is opened and teh option 'Match to expense' is clicked in this menu.
  3. Once all your user's transactions in a given period have been matched, you can submit this period. It will be forwarded to Easy Invoice as one invoice. 
  4. The invoice, which matches the user's credit card period, should then be approved or cancelled (rejected) in Easy Invoice. This feedback is automatically forwarded to Expense. If your period is approved, it receives the status 'Approved'.