Add Credit Cards

By adding credit cards in Expense, you ensure that users can select them and book their claims on them. How to do this in Expense can be found in this article.

In the image below, you can see the Credit Card Overview. It can be found at: Finance Employee > Credit Cards > Credit Cards. 

The page 'Credit Cards'. On this page, at the topleft, the button 'Add creditcard' is selected.

When adding the credit card, there are several fields that need to be filled in. See below an overview of the fields and what needs to be entered here: 

The screen that will be visible, once the button 'Add creditcard' will be pressed. The following fields are visible: 'Last four digits', 'Expiration month', 'Expiration year', 'accessibility to user', 'Name cardholder', 'Creditcard issuer', and the option to select 'Standard payment method for this user'.

  1. Press 'Add credit card' at the top left of the screen.
  2. Enter the last four digits of the credit card concerned.
  3. Enter the expiry date of the credit card.
  4. Assign the correct user of Expense to the credit card here.
  5. Record the cardholder's name as provided by the bank.
    1. You can also find this name/manner of notation in the transaction file (.csv file containing all transactions).
  6. Specify the credit card issuer. *
  7. Check this box if this credit card is default for this user. 
  8. Then press save and the credit card is now added to the list. 

* Have you recently changed banks? Then your choice at number 6 (Credit card provider) may no longer be current. In that case, please contact us in support and we can adjust it for you.