Self-learning in Flexicapture

FlexiCapture uses the concept of 'Self-learning' when encoding invoices. This is done per supplier, per administration.

As long as the invoice layout (positions of data) remains consistent, FlexiCapture can identify which fields contain the data of interest to you.

The recognition of a supplier is often done on the basis of fields such as:

  • IBAN
  • VAT number
  • Chamber of Commerce

If these values are read and match the supplier information linked to the supplier in the Easy Invoice database, the supplier is linked to the invoice.

Self-learning capability can only be applied if the supplier is recognized and linked to the invoice during the scanning and recognition step.

Training self-learning ability

To support FlexiCapture's self-learning ability to recognize, there are some steps you can take yourself to promote this.

  1. Clear the field of the value found (example: Invoice Number) and remove the corresponding box (shaded yellow on the invoice image)
    An invoice with a yellow shaded Invoice Number. It is selected and the user is pressing on a little cross on the top right of this number, so it will be deleted.
  2. Select the field you want to complete (example: Invoice Number)
  3. Improve the training of the field by selecting the correct value on the invoice image. 
  4. This will remember the recognition for the corresponding supplier + administration. 

Supplier not recognized?

Is the supplier not recognized on an invoice? If so, FlexiCapture may not have found enough comparative values to select a supplier with certainty. You may be able to supplement the supplier information in your financial package so that FlexiCapture has more data to base the supplier on.

It could also be that the invoice itself does not read well. Possibly due to a use of several strange characters. 

Values misread?

FlexiCapture's self-learning capability is based on the specific layout of the supplier's invoice. If a supplier changes this style or places certain data in different locations, FlexiCapture can no longer recognize the correct values.

Also, when updating the system, values may no longer read as before. In such cases, we can remove the 'training data' (the self-learning aspect) for the supplier and administration in question. This way, the self-learning aspect can start learning again based on the new format.

You can request this from us in support, please indicate which supplier and administration these concerns.