Match Credit Card Expense

As a user, you can submit a credit card statement and link it to a transaction. Your transactions are visible under the 'Credit Card' option as 'Employee'. This overview shows all transactions per period. You can see which transactions are open or closed and match your own claims to the relevant transactions.

This overview shows all transactions per period

Automatic Matching

In the background, it tries to automatically match credit card statements to a transaction of an open period. If the match is too small, the automatic match will not take place and you have to perform the match manually.Manually matching a transaction with a declaration.

Credit Card Fees and Fraud

In addition to matching a claim to a transaction, you can mark a transaction as 'credit card fee' or 'fraud'. This does not require a declaration. It will be noted on the period invoice that it is a 'credit card fee' or 'fraud'.


If a claim is wrongly requested or you get money back, you can credit it to a previously submitted claim.

The amount of the transaction line must have a negative value. Select the negative transaction line as a refund by clicking on the three dots to the right of the line and choosing 'refund'.
