Add License in ImageCapture

Note: This guide does not apply to cloud customers*.

Your ImageCapture license may need to be replaced, especially if the application has been moved.

A common error message you may encounter is: 'Cannot successfully acquire the selected license.'


The error 'Cannot successfully acquire the selected license'.

In such cases, you need a new license. However, the application and placement of this is different from Easy Invoice.

If you need a new licence, we can apply for it for you. Please note, however, that this may take some hours.

Below is a step-by-step plan for renewing the Image Capture license:

Note! These steps must be performed on the application server where ImageCapture 
was originally installed by the consultant.
  1. Save the included license, e.g. on the desktop.
  2. Start the ImageCapture Manager.             
  3. Log in with a user with admin rights.
    If ImageCapture automatically logs in with a normal user, another user can be logged in via File > Change Login.
  4. Go to File > Update Current License.             
  5. Click the three dots behind file and select the previously saved license.
  6. Click on OK.                      
  7. Go to File > Activate Current License.
  8. With the challenge code, we can have an Activation Code generated, which can be used to activate the new license. Send the challenge code to us and we will give you the activation code with which you can activate the license. 

Not sure if you are a cloud customer? Then read more about this on our page: am I a cloud customer?