Credit Card Transaction Failed

The import may not go quite as expected. After importing the .csv file containing the transactions, all kinds of validations are carried out before these transactions can finally be imported. Here are some examples and corresponding solutions.

A failed import.

  1. Select the line with the failed import.
  2. Then press 'Read more'.
  3. This will display the error message. Here you can find out what might have gone wrong.

ImportData is invalid: Incorrect number of items on row...

The error message 'ImportData is invalid (...)'.

This problem occurs when the software reads more columns than indicated in the 'header'. This is often due to a comma in a transaction description. Check descriptions and data through Excel for commas, semicolons and other extraneous characters.

Card Holder must be specified

The error message 'Card Holder must be specified'.Check whether the column assignment for the card holder is correct.

Credit card number could not be found

The error message 'Credit card number could not be found'.

Check whether this credit card exists in the relevant administration. 

Currency Alphabetic Code must be in ***

The error message 'Currency Alphabetic Code must be (...)'.

This message occurs when a transaction is imported where the base currency is not equal to the base currency of the administration in which the transaction is imported. So make sure that the Currency column is equal to the currency of the administration. 

Currency/Currency = Exchange rate of the administration

Foreign Currency = Range of currency including foreign currency

Is your error code not listed here and you cannot find a solution yourself? 

We will be happy to take a look with you. Navigate to and create a ticket with our Support.