Technical Requirements ImageCapture

Version 10

Operating systemWindows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2019 or Windows Server 2020 or Windows Server 2022
Memory Memory 4 GB RAM on workstations, additional 500 MB RAM per session on servers
Disk spaceDisk space 1 GB for installation, 10 GB temporary files, 10 GB for Database
.NET Framework
Version 4.8.1 (or higher) on application server and user stations

ImageCapture Client at user on workstation

Are you using windows 11 on your workstation? Then it is important that your Image Capture is running version 9.2 or higher. Should you have a lower version in use, ImageCapture will still work, but you may experience the ImageCapture environment to be slow. 

Client Service

The client service requires 1 GB of memory space and 10 GB of temporary disk space per requested core/license. 

For more information, see appendix *

* From Chapter 15 onwards.