Row templates

Row templates allow common posting rules to be stored for accounts payable. Whether standard coding of supplier invoices or splitting invoices across multiple rows, templates provide a convenient solution. For example, invoices for mobile phone subscriptions are often split by staff members, and energy bills to specific locations.

Easy Invoice's row templates functionality allows users to add, save and reuse these lines once. The functionality is available under the Actions button and usually only accessible to finance staff. By clicking on '+Row templates', users can create a new template and optionally mark it as default for a specific supplier. The template is then automatically applied when invoices are received in Easy Invoice.

Button +Row templates

It is possible to create multiple templates for the same supplier. This offers flexibility, especially when bookings may vary for each supplier. Users can then easily choose from a list of templates to apply the appropriate booking rules.

Manage template booking rules

Once you have created a rule template, you can also set it as the default for that creditor (1), edit it if necessary (2) or delete it completely (3).

At the right next to the template, there is a checkmark available. It is indicated with a '1'. If this checkmark is checked, it makes this a default template for this creditor. Next to it is an icon indicated with a '2'. This icon is used if you want to edit the template. The last icon is a trash can. It is indicated with a '3'. It is used to delete the template.