Expired invoice action

If your budget holders do not always take timely action on invoices, Easy Invoice offers options for automated actions on expiry. To set up automated actions on the expiry of an invoice's due date, you need an Easy Invoice user account with the role 'Application administrator'.

Follow these steps to set this up in two possible ways:

  1. Navigate to 'Administration' and then 'Advanced'
  2. Select the option 'Application parameters and settings...'
  3. Then select 'Approval procedure' *

Follow these steps to set this up in two possible ways:  Navigate to 'Administration' and then 'Advanced' Select the option 'Application parameters and settings...' Then select 'Approval procedure' *

Approval term and follow-up action

Use the following settings to set an approval period and choose a follow-up action:

Available days: Here you set the maximum number of days an invoice remains available for approval with a budget holder.

Number of days before due date: Here you specify the number of days before the due date of the invoice, on which Easy Invoice marks this invoice as 'Overdue'.

Action on due date : Here you specify the action to be taken when the invoice's due date (minus the number of days before due date) has passed.

Action on expiry date: Here you specify the action to be performed when the invoice has been with a budget owner for longer than the number of days set to 'available days'.

Expiry date Expired

The possible actions you can choose from in the 'Expiry date expired' situation:

Wait: The invoice remains with the current recipient until manual action is taken.

Expired status: The invoice is placed under 'Expired' status with the financial administration. The budget owner can no longer take action.

Unclear status: The invoice is placed under "Unclear" in the financial administration. The budget holder can no longer take any action.

Back to financial administration: The invoice is placed with financial records under status 'Returned'. The budget owner can no longer take action.

Expiry date Expired

The possible actions you can choose from in the 'Expiry date expired' situation:

Next recipient: The invoice is forwarded to the next person in the current approval flow for that invoice.

Manager: The invoice is forwarded to the manager of the budget holder in question. The manager is set in user management for each user.

Waiting: The invoice remains with the current budget holder until manual action is taken.

Expired status: The invoice is placed with the financial administration under 'Expired' (Status 66 - Approval Period Expired). The budget owner can no longer take action.

Unclear status: The invoice is placed under 'Unclear' in the financial administration (Status 65 - Unclear). The budget holder can no longer take any action.

Back to financial administration: The invoice is placed with the financial administration under status 'Returned'. The budget holder can take no more action.

* Do not forget to press the 'Update' button after an adjustment. You may then receive the following message:'In that case, you only need to restart the environment. This is the last step and can be done by pressing the 'Restart web application' option. This can be found under the 'Application parameters and settings...' option.