Fast invoice processing

It will probably be familiar to you, there is a batch of invoices waiting for your approval but you have to open each invoice individually before you can approve it. In larger numbers, this can end up being quite a lot of click work.

With the functionality described below, you can give (selected) budget holders access to fast invoice processing. This displays the invoice in the worklist and can be used to approve or return it immediately. To activate this functionality, you need an Easy Systems user with the roles "Functional Management" and "Application Management". In Easy Invoice, click "Administration", then click "Groups". In this screen, perform the following actions:

  1. Click on "Add"
  2. Give the group a name and abbreviation
  3. Check "Fast invoice processing"
  4. Click on "Save

Add new group for fast budgetholder invoice processing

Next, you are going to make a budget holder a member of the new group "Budget holder Fast". To do this, stay in Administration, but click on "Users" in the menu.

More about user rights: User rights in Easy Invoice - Easy Systems - Help Center

Then perform the following actions:

  1. Click on a budget holder of your choice
  2. Open the "Data by Administration" tab
  3.  Choose the administration in which the budget holder may start processing quickly
  4. Leave the existing tick boxes and also tick the new group
  5. Click on "Save

If you want to apply this to all administrations, you can also click on "Apply to all Administrations".

Now you can let the budget holder test the function by having them log into Easy Invoice again. You will now see that the screen is split into the worklist, with the invoice directly in view alongside it with the approve and return buttons.