Releasing locked invoices

It has probably happened to you before, you open an invoice and it turns out to be "locked" by a colleague. Easy Invoice places this lock on invoices to prevent two people editing an invoice at the same time. When you need to edit or access an invoice quickly, it is possible to force other users out of this invoice and take over this "lock". To perform these steps, you need the "functional administrator" role within Easy Invoice.

Releasing the lock 

To take over the invoice, we first need to remove the existing lock. To do this, we go to "Administration" in Easy Invoice, then to "Advanced". Then click on "Remove locks".

The arrow key next to "User" opens the list of active invoice locks. Here, click on the user whose lock(s) you want to remove and click "Release".

Now we can go back to the specific invoice to make our edits. If you still have the invoice open with the lock notification, just click F5 or refresh your browser.