Credit Card Periods

When importing a file with transactions, a credit card period is created within Expense with the relevant transactions. This is done based on [year][increasing number] (for example: 20241).

The overview of all transactions and periods can be found under 'Credit Card Transactions'.

Periods and Transactions

For each period, the imported transactions can be found. Depending on the status of the period, this can be a single or a combination of imports.

Unreleased Status 

As long as a period has the status 'Unreleased', all added transactions are added to this period. The period grows larger with each import. Users can match credit card statements to these transactions, but the period cannot yet be submitted.As long as en period is in the state 'unreleased', all transactions wil be added to this period. The period will expand with every single import. Users can add creditcards to these transactions, but the period can not be submitted.

Released Status 

A financial officer can set the period to 'Released', allowing users to submit the period. The financial officer does this by opening the period in the Financial Officer section and pressing the 'Release' button.

Once a period has the 'Released' status, it is not possible to add transactions to it. Automatic matching starts and users can submit their fully matched periods from then on.