Groups and their permissions

Below are frequently used options with a brief description. If you have an option in the image below and do not yet know what it can do, feel free to look in the appendix (Chapter 6 - Groups) at the bottom of the page; it describes everything again and in more detail.

Invoice processing

Edit booking rules

Grants a user the right to edit the posting lines of an invoice in the statuses where this is possible.

Complete invoice list of creditors 

Displays the complete list of invoices from suppliers associated with this group.

Access to archived invoices

This option is only necessary and applicable when using a dynamic archive. It must be active as soon as a dynamic archive is set up. This gives the group access to the archive.

Send invoice for checking

Grants a user the right to send an invoice for verification to another user.  

Invoice Automation

Adding invoices

Group users are allowed to manually add invoices in Easy Invoice.

Full invoice administration

Gives the user full management access to the selected administration.

Edit business rules

Allows the user to edit business rules.

Invoice Correction

Allows the user to correct an invoice's status, export status or book item number. See: Invoice Correction for more information.

Quick Invoice Processing

Enables the group to display the image of the invoice to the right of the invoice view. (If this is set and you want to get to the invoice header/entry lines, click on the 'ID' of the relevant invoice).

Invoice Management

View full invoice list

Determines whether a user is allowed to see all invoices in the administrations they have access to.

Manage Procuration table

Gives a user the right to modify the procuration table (procuration table = Easyflow).


Assign limits 

Allows you to set a limit per user on the invoice amount per administration.

Manage user rights

Gives a user the right to manage users.

This includes: changing user data, changing group rights

User Groups

Managing groups.

User management

Gives a user the right to manage users. 

This includes: adding users, deleting users.
