Dynamic Archive

Under 'Archive', 'Dynamic Archive' is selected.

A dynamic archive can be integrated into your Easy Invoice application by a consultant upon request. This functionality allows you to search for archived invoices in a manner you customize.

This makes it possible, for example, for a user to view the archive of all processed invoices of the creditor "Albert Heijn."

Numerous options are available, and it is even possible to have multiple archives at your disposal. Contact our support department or your consultant to find out more about the possibilities in this area.

Inside the dynamic archive, there is a search functionality on the topleft. It says 'Search in:'. 'Directie is selected in this search field.'

At the top left of the archive overview, you can select the archive you want. What you see here depends on the archives you have compiled. This screen also offers several filter options. The overview you get can also be exported to Excel. 

If you want to open an invoice from the dynamic archive overview, press the following button:

Rights to the dynamic archive

You can link this dynamic archive to a group for extra security. You can easily create a new group in Easy Invoice and then activate the following permissions:

Within 'Groups' the tab 'Autorizations' is opened. Within this tab, 'Dynamic Archive' and 'Access to all archived invoices' is selected.