Skip invoices in FlexiCapture

In FlexiCapture, there are different statuses in which a .pdf file can be in. The most obvious status is 'Verification'. In this step, invoices are validated and you can also encode the invoice.

An overview of FlexiCapture with the pdf files with the status 'Verification'.

Once you have opened an invoice in FlexiCapture, you will be presented with the following options on the right-hand side of your screen. Below is a description of these options and their capabilities.

A menubar. On this menu, the following items are numbered from one to five: 1. Complete Task (Shown with an icon of a green checkmark). 2. Reject Task (Shown with an icon of a stack of papers with an arrow pointing back). 3. Postpone Task (Shown with an icon of a clock). 4. Send Task To Stage (shown with an icon of an arrow pointing through a couple of stages). 5. Send Task To Exceptions (shown with an arrow pointing to a warning icon in the shape of a triangle).
  1. Complete Task: Press this green button on the right-hand side of your screen once the invoice is correct and may be forwarded to Easy Invoice.
  2. Reject Task: Allows you to temporarily cancel the invoice, so that you can work on the next one easily. 
  3. Postpone Task: If you want to come back to the invoice at a later time, you can also postpone it.
  4. Send Task To Stage..: This option allows you to move the invoice to a specific stage in the verification process. This can be useful if, for example, you want to export the invoice from Exceptions status directly to Easy Invoice. In that case, move the invoice to the 'stage': 'Export'.
  5. Send Task To Exceptions: This option moves the invoice directly to the 'Exceptions' status.