Statuses in Easy Invoice

This article describes the default statuses in Easy Invoice and what they mean in general. This does not necessarily apply to your environment. The statuses and their meaning may possibly differ as soon as you use another financial package or in the case of customization by your consultant. 

The overview below may therefore differ per environment and may not apply to you. This is only a standard view of the statuses. 

10 - New invoices

All new purchase invoices arrive here from ImageCapture, Easy Distribution or FlexiCapture. If you process goods invoices, they will first arrive in status 13 - Rematch. In this status, it is possible to complete the header with data and possibly add lines. 

13 - Rematch: Receipt not available

This is where all goods invoices enter on which the system tries to automatically find matching data. If an invoice remains in this status for too long, a match must be made manually. Goods invoices without receipts will be found here. 

14 - Mismatch

Here are all invoices for which the system has not been able to find a full automatic match. From this point, you must manually match the invoice and also circulate it if necessary.

15 - Match: out of tolerance

The invoices with a good match but a tolerance overrun on the invoice amounts end up in this. From this point, you should correct and circulate the invoice.

16 - Match: within tolerances

The invoices with a good match and an approval on the tolerance end up in this. These invoices still need to be reviewed and circulated manually. 

19 - Prebook failed 

All invoices where something went wrong during pre-registration are displayed here. The reason for the failure can be found in the invoice history of the relevant invoice.

20 -Prebook started

This shows all invoices that the system is pre-registering in the financial package. No action is currently required. From this status, cost invoices are automatically moved to status 21 and goods invoices to status 13 for matching. 

21 -Prebooked in Financial System

This contains all cost invoices that can be circulated.

30 - In Circulation

This view shows all invoices currently in circulation, waiting for approval from various budget holders.

39 - Approved: adjustment required

This list contains invoices that have been automatically approved, but where the system has identified another problem. This may require manual action. 

40 -Approved

This list contains all invoices that have been automatically approved or approved by budget holders. From here, the invoices still need to be transferred to your financial system. This has to be done manually or goes automatically, depending on what you have set up. 

50 - Cancelled

This lists all invoices that have been cancelled. These invoices will therefore not be processed further.

60 -Returned

This list contains all invoices that have been returned to the financial administration by budget holders, meaning that further actions are to be taken with them.

65 - Unclear

This list contains all invoices where there was a problem with the transfer to the financial system. The specific problem with the erroneous export can be found in the invoice history of the relevant invoice.

70 - Transferred to Financial System

This list contains all invoices where the system is currently in the process of final booking in the financial system or removing the payment blockage.

80 - Booked in Financial System

This contains all invoices that have been definitively booked into your financial system. 

90 - Paid

This lists all invoices that have been paid in your financial system.