Booking Lines

Here are some tips on how to use and set up booking rules for a clearer experience.

Bookinglines on large screen

You can display booking rules on a larger screen for a better overview when entering or checking data. This can be useful to see more details.

To view booking lines on a large screen, simply click on the 'Booking lines' title near the invoice. (See point 1. on the image below)

To get your posting lines on a large screen, simply press the 'Booking lines' title at the invoice.

More/less columns

The more data you have to enter in the booking lines, the tighter the space on the line can become. To keep an overview, you can shorten or expand the lines without losing data.

More columns in booking lines

Less columns in booking lines


  1. Here you can see the booking lines with the least number of columns. Four columns are now hidden.
  2. Here you see the booking lines with the maximum number of columns. The four hidden columns are now visible and can be filled in if needed. 

This may not be relevant to you, especially if you do not use extra columns for overview or export to your ERP/Financial package.


If your posting lines obstruct the view of the invoice, you can simply click them down. Similarly, you can click them up again with the up and down arrow keys respectively.Button for up and down shifting of booking lines.

Editing booking lines

While filling in the fields, you can use the tab key on your keyboard to navigate between the columns. This can potentially speed up your work experience. 

Move box to the right: Press the Tab key once

Move box to the left: Press Shift + Tab key 1 time together. 

The Enter key saves the line with ease.