Hold Invoice

It is possible in Easy Invoice to hold an invoice that has been circulated to you. For example, if an invoice is not yet due for payment immediately, it can be held until it is approved for payment. Below, we explain how this works. 

Hold an Invoice

You can hold an invoice using the 'Hold Invoice' button. This button can be found above the invoice image.

If an invoice is held, the invoice is still in circulation, but the user no longer receives any reminders. The financial administration can see which invoices are being held via the icon in the worklist.

Invoice on hold

An invoice that is 'on hold', can only be released by the user that chose to hold the invoice. This person receives periodic (weekly) reminders that the invoice is still being held.

Releasing an Invoice

Releasing the invoice is done in a similar way to holding it. This can be done via the 'Release' button from within the invoice. This button can be found above the invoice image.