Print options in Easy Invoice

When printing an invoice from Easy Invoice, you may find that unnecessary information is included. This article provides insights into the options and possibilities available to customize your printing preferences.

To start, open the desired invoice in Easy Invoice from the work list.

Print buttons in Easy Invoice

    1. Click on the "Print PDF" button (refer to the image). This button generates a print command for a PDF that mirrors the display in Easy Invoice, including line item details, comments, and history.
    1. Utilize the "Print PDF Only" button (refer to the image) to print only the PDF as it appears in the PDF viewer. This will provide a paper version of the invoice without additional financial information from Easy Invoice.

To customize your printing options, open the desired invoice in Easy Invoice from the work list, click on "Actions," and select "PDF Print Preferences..."

Print options in Easy Invoice

In the subsequent screen, you can choose which information to include/exclude from your printout. Once you have made your selections, click "Save."

Easy Invoice will then print only the selected elements. Use the "Print PDF..." button (refer to number 1 in the first image) to proceed.