Additional costs on a purchase order

When matching invoices, it often happens that additional charges on an invoice are not known in the purchase order. These are often freight costs. As a result, an invoice does not automatically match the purchase order, so the invoice still has to be matched manually.

Identifying additional costs  

In the process, it is possible to include additional costs (freight costs in the example below) with the invoice during the scan & recognize process. The additional costs are then included during the matching process. 

Automatic matching 

In the matching process, these freight costs will be deducted from the invoice amount to be matched. 

So, for example, a match will not be made on an invoice amount of €525 but on the invoice value minus the freight costs, i.e. €515. During the matching process, the invoice is now automatically matched against an order value of €515. The remaining costs (freight costs) are automatically booked to a specifically configurable coding line (general ledger etc.). Important to know: it is possible to set a tolerance on the amount to be booked automatically as additional costs. 

Feel free to ask our support what the options are for your process.