Shortcut Keys within Easy Invoice

In this article you can find a complete overview of all shortcut keys within Easy Invoice. In this overview, you can find which keys you can use and which action is attached to them.

Save invoice header

In Easy Invoice, you open an invoice to code it. If a specific focus field is set up, you can encode the invoice directly. Do you want to make a change to the invoice header? Then you can save it with the shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+S.

Fast and easy field navigation

Using the Tab key, you can quickly move through the various columns and lines to encode the invoice. If certain fields are completed by selecting from a list of values, you can call them up with the F2 key. You can immediately start searching for values or search directly in the field for the correct value or description. To open the extended booking line screen in Easy Invoice, you can use the shortcut key CTRL+ALT+G.

Quick line changes

Did you give an invoice an incorrect coding in previous lines? Use SHIFT + up arrow to move up one line and SHIFT + down arrow to move to the next line. Want to quickly save an entry line? Then use SHIFT+ENTER.

Circulate directly

When you have finished encoding an invoice, you can circulate it immediately by opening the circulation screen with the shortcut CTRL+ALT+V. Do you want to add another comment to the invoice? Then use the shortcut CTRL+ALT+X to open the comments window.

Access personal archive

Users who check/approve invoices can access them from within the invoice using the hotkey: CTRL+SHIFT+F10 directly back to the invoices they still need to check. The hotkey CTRL+SHIFT+F9 opens the personal archive.

F2Open search dialogue
SHIFT  + ENTERSave invoice line
SHIFT + up arrow
Go to previous line
SHIFT + down arrow
Go to next line
Add new invoice
Circulate invoice
Register invoice
Export invoice
Go to invoice lines
Go to invoice header
Open invoice comments
Save invoice
Go to my archive
Go to my invoices
CTRL+SHIFT + arrow left
Go to previous invoice
CTRL+SHIFT +arrow right
Go to next invoice

Note: use of keyboard shortcuts may vary on older versions of Easy Invoice.