Invoice Image in worklist

It is also possible to show the invoice image in the worklist, instead of only in the invoice details. This offers a better/faster display of invoices in some cases.

Turning this functionality on/off is different for each user and can be set by the user. He/she can switch it on/off in 'My settings'.

  1. Navigate to 'My settings', which can be found by pressing your own user name.

  2. Select the option 'Show invoice image in the worklist'.
  3. Press 'Save my settings'

Don't see this option in your settings? Then it is not yet active for the group(s) you are a member of. This will need to be ticked by an administrator in the permissions group. This concerns the 'Quick invoice processing' option.

Note! Once ticked, this will apply to all users who are part 
are part of that group. However, they can uncheck this for themselves.