ImageCapture Invoice Import

In this article, you can find out how the (manual) import works in ImageCapture and what the corresponding options mean.

In this article, you can find out how the (manual) import works in ImageCapture and what the corresponding options mean.

Manual Import

When importing invoices manually, the top status 'Import' will apply. Clicking twice on the bar will open the following screen:

Import: This button imports all invoices that are ready in the folder (they are loaded here from the mailbox) Open: Allows you to navigate to a folder yourself and select an invoice to be imported. Note! If you use multiple administrations and are used to invoices being automatically assigned to the correct administration already, this option might cause problems. The import button is often the safe choice.  Save & Next: Once you have imported the invoices manually, you can use this option to transfer the invoices to recognition. The invoices are then read and the fields are completed with the read data. Previously Imported: If you have imported invoices manually but have not yet processed them further, you can retrieve them under this option.  Stop: Stops the process and returns to the start screen.

  1. Import: This button imports all invoices that are ready in the folder (they are loaded here from the mailbox)
  2. Open: Allows you to navigate to a folder yourself and select an invoice to be imported. Note! If you use multiple administrations and are used to invoices being automatically assigned to the correct administration already, this option might cause problems. The import button is often the safe choice. 
  3. Save & Next: Once you have imported the invoices manually, you can use this option to transfer the invoices to recognition. The invoices are then read and the fields are completed with the read data.
  4. Previously Imported: If you have imported invoices manually but have not yet processed them further, you can retrieve them under this option. 
  5. Stop: Stops the process and returns to the start screen.

Automatische Import

It is also possible to set up that invoices from the folder/mailbox are automatically imported and processed in ImageCapture. This can save several manual actions and speed up your invoicing process. 

Should this automatic import suddenly stop working, a windows service task on the application server may not be active. Your IT can often simply reactivate this by starting the 'ImageCapture Client Service' task.

To learn more about how to process your imported invoices in ImageCapture, read that in this article.