ImageCapture Invoice Processing

In this article, you can find out how general invoice processing works in ImageCapture. This article describes the basic steps and describes some options. Not everything may apply to you.

Want to know how ImageCapture's invoice import works? Read the following article to find out more. 

In this article, you can find out how general invoice processing works in ImageCapture. This article describes the basic steps and describes some options. Not everything may apply to you.

The overview above shows the status of all invoices located in ImageCapture. The right-hand side of the screen describes which statuses still contain invoices and how many there are.

Pressing the 'Check and code' bar takes you to the following overview:

Pressing the 'Check and code' bar takes you to the following overview:

To check and/or complete the data for an invoice, simply select the line and then the 'Process' button. You are then presented with the following overview:

To check and/or complete the data for an invoice, simply select the line and then the 'Process' button. You are then presented with the following overview:

The read invoice data can be found on the right-hand side. These columns may vary depending on your method of invoice processing. 

The yellow markings on the invoice indicate where the corresponding value on the invoice has been read. Should these not be correct, you can change this per creditor in an administration using templates. You can read more about this in article:

ImageCapture Templates - Easy Systems - Help Center

Once the invoice data are sufficiently complete, simply press 'Save & Next' and the invoice will be sent to Easy Invoice.

In the bar near the last two views, you can use the following options:

Move back: Allows you to move the invoice back in the process, for example to re-run recognition.   Restart: Restarts the last step of the process.  Deactivate: This option deactivates the relevant invoice. (With the activate option, you can reactivate non-active invoices so you can process them again).  Delete: deletes an invoice.  Process: initiates the processing of an invoice.

Move back: Allows you to move the invoice back in the process, for example to re-run recognition. 

Restart: Restarts the last step of the process.

Deactivate: This option deactivates the relevant invoice. (With the activate option, you can reactivate non-active invoices so you can process them again).

Delete: deletes an invoice.

Process: initiates the processing of an invoice.