Work-related Passenger Mobility

Did you know that companies with more than 100 employees will be required to report work-related person mobility (WPM) from 1 July 2024?

What does the reporting entail?

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management wants to gain insight into CO2 emissions from business travel to explore sustainability options. The mandatory WPM reporting requires the following data, broken down by transport type and fuel type:

  • The total number of business kilometers driven by employees.
  • The total number of commuting kilometers driven.
  • The total number of private kilometres driven with the company car.
  • Whether there are lease contracts, a company car fleet or a combination thereof.
  • Which travel expense claims have been submitted.
  • What commuting mobility looks like.
  • Which mobility services are used.

Enabling functionality

Within the admin environment, you can enable the functionality via the "Expense Configuration" menu item under "General Declaration Configuration Options" on the "Transport" tab. Here you will find the option "Data Collection Work Related Persons Mobility".

When this option is enabled, the mileage reimbursement and receipt claim forms are provided with additional fields to ensure that your organization captures all the necessary information for WPM reporting.

This page shows what this becomes visible when submitting a claim.


In time, it will be possible to download relevant data from the application.