User Replacement

It is possible to set a substitute for a user, for example during their absence, such as during holidays.

This can be set in the user settings under 'Management' or for your own user under 'My settings'.

When setting up a replacement, one indicates the period during which the current user will be absent. During this time, new invoices, from the start date of the replacement, will land in the replacement's workflow.

Some important points to note are:

  1. Both users must have equivalent rights to adequately replace each other. The system does not adjust this automatically. Insufficient rights for the substitute can lead to problems when approving invoices.
  2. Active invoices are not automatically forwarded to the replacement when this role is set. Ongoing invoices with the original user must be settled before he/she goes on leave.

If the original user is no longer active but still has current invoices, there is the option to transfer them to another user.

Please note! All the user's active invoices will be transferred, including 
those that have not yet been fully booked.
The original user will be completely removed from this flow and the 
replacement user will appear in its place. 

To do this, go to: 'Management' > 'Users' > 'Migrate user data'.

Select the original user from the left-hand list and the other user from the dropdown menu. Check the 'Active invoice Workflow data' option.

If you would like to set this for your own user account, you can also follow the manual in this article:

Absence settings in Easy Invoice - Easy Systems - Help Center

Example scenario:

User A goes on leave on 1 April until 1 May. User B is set up as a replacement for user A.

User A has invoices with invoice dates (import date) of 29 March, 3 April and 6 May. The 29 March invoice remains with user A and will not go to user B. The invoice of 3 April goes directly to user B because the replacement period is active on that date. The 6 May invoice will go back to user A, since it will be present again at that time.

If user A still has active invoices, he/she should handle them or pass them on to other users before he/she is absent.