Add License in Easy Invoice

This is a guide for customers who have installed their Easy Invoice application on an internal server and have requested a new licence. The steps below describe how to insert the new licence.

Note: This guide does not apply to cloud customers*.

In the .zip file received, you will find a new licence that can, for example, increase the number of users or administrations within Easy Invoice. The licence is a .dat file and should replace the old licence currently in use.

  1. On the Easy Invoice application server, navigate to the 'Easy Systems' folder (often found on drive C:\ or D:\).
  2. Download the .zip file containing the new license from Gemini and place it in the Easy Systems\_install folder.
  3. Unzip the .zip file to release the .dat file (the license).
  4. In \Easy Systems\Easy Invoice\Client\Web\Bin there is a license.dat file. This is the license that is now in use. 
  5. Move/cut (do not copy) this file to  \Easy Systems\_backup and add the date to the name of the moved file. (For example: license_161222.dat)
    (Note! This is not meant to remain in еasy Systems Invoice Bin, as you will get conflict with the new license)
  6. From the \Easy Systems\_install folder, copy the new license file and place it in the folder you deleted the old one from.
  7. In the Easy Invoice application, check whether the new users and/or administrations are included. This can be done within Easy Invoice under the button 'Manage' → About. Users and/or administrations should have the correct number, based on the quantity requested.

In the top right on the navigation bar 'Manage' is selected. In the bar below, 'about' is selected. On this screen, on the left side, 'license information' is visible. A bit below this, it is visible that the licenses are added.

 * Not sure if you are a cloud customer? Then read more about this on our page: am I a cloud customer?