Release Notes Easy Invoice

Easy Invoice version 3.7

What's New?

  • User interfaces updated to the new 4CEE style
  • Increased space for displaying lists and invoices in user interfaces
  • Scrollbar added to invoice images in the overview
  • Improved execution of scheduled tasks
  • Integration of Easy1 Contract and Easy Invoice

Update Details

New 4CEE Application Lay-Out

Easy Systems is now part of 4CEE, a group of companies focused on reducing administrative burdens. To strengthen unity within the group, we have adopted a common style. Consequently, Easy Invoice now has a more modern look, with icons updated to current standards for better recognition by new users.

Increased Space for Lists and Invoices

The layout of Easy Invoice has been optimized to provide more space for data display. Previously, menus and navigation options occupied a significant amount of screen space. The new layout reduces this space, allowing users to view more data at once.

Scrollbar for Invoice Images

Invoices can consist of multiple pages. Previously, it was not possible to view all pages when the invoice image was displayed in the task lists. In version 3.7, a scrollbar has been added so users can view all pages of an invoice in the overview. This was already possible in the invoice detail view.

Improved Execution of Scheduled Tasks

Easy Invoice offers the ability to schedule integration tasks that are executed from the server, such as retrieving the latest master data from the financial system. Additional options for error handling have been added for consultants and application administrators when dealing with these scheduled tasks.

Integration with Easy1 Contract

Easy Invoice now integrates with Easy1 Contract, our solution for contract management. Contract files managed in Easy1 Contract can be supported with a payment plan. These payment plans can be automatically imported into Easy Invoice and used for matching, significantly simplifying the handling of recurring contract invoices.