Groups in Easy Invoice

To do a user justice, it is important to place them in a group. These groups usually have preset rights, as shown in the image below.

It is possible to create your own rights group and add members to it with their specific rights in Easy Invoice. You can then decide what a user can or cannot do within Easy Invoice.

Under the 'Members' tab, you add users to a group. You do this for each administration.

'Groups' is selected on the second navigation bar. On the window, 'Permissions' and 'Members' is selected.

If you have any questions about the permissions per group, first check your answer at: Groups and their permissions. 

Default Groups

Please do not modify the default groups, but create a new one.

Financial administration

As a financial administrator, you can:

Application Management

As application manager, you can:

Budget holder

As budget holder, you can:

  • Approve/check (multiple) invoices
  • Send invoices for checking
  • View posting rules
  • Return invoices
  • Hold invoices


Als auditor, you can:

  • Check invoices
  • Send invoices for checking
  • View booking rules